Well, i would like to suggest some ideas to make this server like it was in Runescape 2006,my ideas are:
-Remove the custom teleports: (Minigames,Monsters) and replace with the original ones (falador,varrock) And add these to the dueling ring/glory. (So u have to walk)
-Make it so u when u teleport u waste the runes used in teleport and u need the requiered magic lvl as it says (and it teles u where it should tele you..).
-Make pickpocketing give the correct items as was in 2006. (make mans give like 4gp)
-Make most of mining spots,furnaces,trees,agility shortcuts work (mostly all) (this may take a while..)
-Add a short custom tutorial for new players maybe? (TUTORIAL ISLAND!!)
-Make the home camelot (as is close to crabs, where u can train at.)
-Remove All non-needed stuff from shops (Add just the basic things like bronze hatchet,bronze pickaxe,etc so u have to mine,smith,and make iron,mithril stuff.) from shops: Potions, so u have to make them. Glory so u have to craft it. And food,so u have to fish and cook it. Also add the really needed stuff, like anti-dragonfire shield,vials,tinderbox,chisel,hammer,etc.
-Fix the general store so u can sell items to it. (u cannot sell some items to it)
-Lower the xp rates (some people may do not want this, but it will be good for economy. Maybe x5? Donators can choose between x5 and x7 xp. that would be good.. (If u add this one reseting the server will be a good idea so economy will be stable.)
-Bank pins!-Add music in some areas.. That would be really good
-Make some items harder to get,For example dragon dagger, they are on shops, make it harder to get as in rs2006. (from drops)
-Events,ya should (mods,admins,) make some events to keep people having fun.Hide n Seek,Trivias,etc. (Prizes may be coins (depending on the economy)
-Staff, i never see staff on, (maybe is my timezone) but staff should be on most of time.
-Random events!-A better economy, maybe? (that incluides removing 5k of starter and adding like 250 coins,removing the stalls in edgeville,removing all the non-neccesary stuff from shops (ghostly robes,dragon daggers,glorys,food etc),reseting the server (:S so eco will be stable)
Remember im just suggesting, and this may take a while to add, but trust me, it's worth it
Thank you for reading!